Hi I am Kev, my wife Belinda and I run Innovative Teaching Ideas. We love to learn, and now have three little learners to guide through life. Above all we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts around our products and can make resources to meet your needs.
Hi I am Kev, my wife Belinda and I run Innovative Teaching Ideas. We love to learn, and now have three little learners to guide through life. Above all we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts around our products and can make resources to meet your needs.
Capitalize on the FORTNITE craze with this fun, engaging ❄️ICEBREAKER!❄ This is a NO PREP REQUIRED activity - just print, hand it out, and give your kids a great BACK TO SCHOOL activity to kick off the year.
In this task, your students will create a CUSTOM FORTNITE character select screen that is ALL ABOUT THEM. This will give them the opportunity to tell you about their special talents, goals, and favourite things in life, all while developing their public speaking confidence and creative skills.
If you’re familiar with FORTNITE then you know what this looks like and is demonstrated in the preview pictures…
Full instructions come attached, including instructions on how to download the free ‘FORTNITE’ font. This activity is also bundled as both a PDF and a COMPLETELY EDITABLE version that you can modify to suit any group.
Get your students thinking about Earth Day and the world around them with these fun tasks and decorative buntings to display around your classroom.
Earth Day Word Search
Earth Day Writing Task
Earth Day Buntings ( blank to be colored, and ready colorful printable version included.)
Be sure to take a look at the preview files for clarity and enjoy discussing Earth Day whilst you complete these fun tasks.
Math fast food project: Welcome
This week long lesson package is intended to do three things
Get students using a range of mathematical strategies to understand the nutritional value of fast food.
Make students aware of the nutritional value of fast food and also identify how much exercise is required to burn it off.
Make students think twice about eating fast food once they understand the long term effects it can have on their bodies.
The lesson plan is put together in a PowerPoint format that you can edit to add any other fast food franchises or change to suit the needs of your students although the content within the presentation should easily meet the needs of your students without any alteration required.
The Content is broken into four one 60 - 90 minute lessons and would easily account for a weeks worth of maths once you get your students to present their results and reflect upon their learning.
We know it is a teachers job to help students when they need it, but quite often students can come a little too reliant on their teachers.
This poster gives students four strategies to help them solve problems before asking their teacher. It is a great visual tool that is easy to remember and has some great concepts that go beyond the classroom.
This versatile mock Facebook cube can be applied to any number of activites such as a character profile from books, films, games etc, quick biography task, all about me or plenty of other alternatives.
It contains the 6 elements of Facebook most relevant to students.
- Photo
- About
- Status Updates
- Friends
- Timeline
- Share a memory
It is completely editable and can be undertaken as a simple pen and paper task or an editable PowerPoint and Google Drive (Slides) task for students who have access to a technology.
Simply follow the instructions and away you go... NO PREP REQUIRED!!
For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our EMAIL NEWSLETTER, and visit us on FACEBOOK to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
This poster is useful for teaching junior students about our 5 senses
This poster can also be downloaded as part of our literacy and numeracy poster bundles. Each Bundle contains hundreds of posters grouped around a common theme. They are a very cost effective way to buy multiple posters at once.
You can find our posters here
Innovative teaching poster collection
All our posters are professionally designed by graphic designers and are very high resolution of 600 dpi. They can be scaled to suit any paper size and will hold their clarity and sharpness right up to a full poster size.
Soar to new heights this year with this amazing FULLY EDITABLE kites classroom display BUNDLE.
Remove the hassle from your Back to School Preparation… just print, cut, laminate and work out where to put it in your classroom!!!
You may wish to customize the headings to alternatives such as...
Flying High in Grade….
The Sky is the Limit in Grade…
Soaring into Grade….
Or add a photo of each child to your kites... It's all here, READY TO GOout of the box, or awaiting YOUR PERSONAL TOUCH
Name Labels
Tub / Locker Labels
Kite Templates
Cloud Templates
Letter Templates
Comes either in FULL COLOR or BLACK & WHITE options
A template for the tail is also included, I just used curling ribbon and glued the bows on, but you could use string, streamers, paper, there are many options...
This is an excellent poster that represents the notion of fairness to students. It is an excellent discussion piece when an issue arises.
Please make sure you view the thumbnail.
This poster can also be downloaded as part of our literacy and numeracy poster bundles. Each Bundle contains hundreds of posters grouped around a common theme. They are a very cost effective way to buy multiple posters at once.
This collection of printable posters /signs are great for office doors. They look great and are completely editable as a Word Document.
Just add your name and photo and away you go. They come with four base templates which you can customize entirely.
Where is the Principal?
Where is the Nurse?
Where is Mr. Jones?
Where is the Counselor?
Attach a clothespin to the appropriate place on the poster. You could easily decorate one with paint, scrapbook paper and/or glitter!
You will receive Four easy to edit word documents to suit your exact needs.
Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas
This collection of posters gives students an excellent representation of the four seasons. It somes in 2 different graphical styles for the price of one.
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
This poster can also be downloaded as part of our literacy and numeracy poster bundles. Each Bundle contains hundreds of posters grouped around a common theme. They are a very cost effective way to buy multiple posters at once.
You can find our posters here
Innovative teaching poster collection
All our posters are professionally designed by graphic designers and are very high resolution of 600 dpi. They can be scaled to suit any paper size and will hold their clarity and sharpness right up to a full poster size.
Keywords: posters, displays, charts, printable, hi resolution, 600 dpi, English, Math,
These posters are a collection of teaching posters based upon Britain's famous 'Keep calm an Carry on" campaign during world war II.
They are a bit of fun and can be applied to any staff room for some light humor.
They include the phrases
Keep calm and reboot
Keep calm and love teaching
Keep calm and stop teaching
Keep quite and continue working
Keep calm and enjoy learning
Keep calm and raise your hand
Keep calm and teach on
They are all high resolution images that can be printed from tiny to poster size with no loss of quality.
Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas
Tap into the FORTNITE craze with this awesome EDITABLE classroom display. It will look great on your classroom wall as an excellent BACK TO SCHOOL display and ICEBREAKER activity.
It features custom designed clip art of the following items
The Fortnite Bus
The Fortnite Balloon
Multiple Fortnite Gliders
Fortnite Meteors
The Fortnite Font
All in black and white and full color variations.
The idea is that your students attach a photo or drawing of themselves gliding from the Bus along with a great looking banner or heading. ( See photos for full details. )
You can either use all our assets straight out of the box or completely customise these to suit your needs.
Make the most of the Fidget Spinner craze with this fun and creative activity! This is a no prep activity - Just print and hand it to your students for an awesome back to school activity, or completely edit the templates into a versatile activity to apply to any area of the curriculum.
Check out the video here to see it in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cMAxBge9VY
In this task your students will create an "ALL ABOUT ME" decoration that actually spins and tells their peers, parents and teachers about their special talents, goals, and favorite things in life.
You can either use one of our many templates or completely edit all aspects as required to meet your needs.
Full instructions come attached and can be easily followed by students of any age or ability. Please note: to make the most of this activity you will require a split pin but if you don't have them you can also make do with drawing pins on a board.
Like the sound of this? If you would like more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
Like the sound of this? If you would like more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our EMAIL NEWSLETTER, and visit us on FACEBOOK to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
In my years of teaching, this fascinating project is consistently the most popular among my students. This dynamic PBL unit needs no prep from you and will actually make your kids excited about homework!
Why do students, parents, and teachers alike love this project so much? As an 8-12 week undertaking, kids get to explore in depth something they love, learn through both research and getting their hands dirty, and feel a sense of accomplishment through leading others. While it targets grades 4-9, it is editable and easily adaptable to any age group.
The process goes like this:
1.) Students select a new task or skill they want to learn about. Some examples of past choices include dressmaking, creating a video game, learning an instrument, cooking a 3-course meal for their family, and building a cubby house.
2.) Students research and complete the task within a specified time frame.
3.) As they progress, they keep an online diary of their learning journey outlining their successes and failures.
4.) When they have sufficiently learned their new skill, students then teach it family member or friend to show them what they have learned.
5.) At the conclusion of the project, students put together a presentation outlining their learning journey. This includes videos, photos, and feedback from family members and friends. They will also assess each other in accordance with a peer assessment rubric.
While this makes a great introduction to project management, time management, and presentation skills, students will come away from this with much more. This project also teaches grit, builds confidence, and encourages students to learn from and push through failure instead of fearing it. Indeed, success and failure are unimportant with this task. The true value lies in recording and learning from their successes and failures while sharing that knowledge with others.
Everything you need is included and completely editable. In this download, you will get:
Letters to Parents
Detailed descriptions for teachers, students, and parents
Summary Descriptions
Teaching Resources
Graphic Organizers
and much more
I guarantee this will be one of the most rewarding teaching and learning opportunities for both you and your students and one you can use for years to come.
Capitalize on the Pokémon craze with this fun, engaging icebreaker! This is a no prep required activity - just print, hand it out, and give your kids a great back to school activity to kick off the year.
In this task, your students will create a custom Pokémon card that is all about THEM. This will give them the opportunity to tell you about their special talents, goals, and favourite things in life, all while developing their public speaking confidence and creative skills.
If you’re familiar with Pokémon, then you know what the cards look like. This activity gives you two options based on these cards: a back-to-back card, or a one page sheet with key details.
Full instructions come attached, including instructions on how to download the free 'Pokémon' font. This activity is also bundled as both a PDF and a completely editable version that you can modify to suit any group.
Like the sound of this? If you would like more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
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